Prostitution occurs when an individual exchanges sexual acts for money. An individual who solicits sex in this way is charged with prostitution. The person paying for the sexual acts can be charged as well. In both cases, the penalties if convicted are very tough.
If you are facing a prostitution charge, it is understood that you are going through a very difficult time. That is why you need the legal representation of a Minneapolis criminal lawyer with years of experience helping clients reach fair conclusions in their criminal cases. You need someone who can evaluate your case in-depth and gather facts and evidence that work in your favor.
An Aggressive Criminal Attorney Minneapolis Trusts
There are a number of different acts that constitute prostitution in Minnesota, leading to criminal charges. They include:
- Solicitation of prostitution, which is the persuading of another person to pay money for sex.
- Inducement of prostitution, which is the act of influencing another person to commit prostitution. This is frequently referred to as “pandering.”
- Loitering in an area with the intent to solicit is the hanging around an area with the intention of committing prostitution.
- Promotion of prostitution is having another person commit prostitution and then collecting the money for it. This is frequently referred to as “pimping.”
Any act of prostitution is considered a very severe offense because it is considered a sex crimes. If you are arrested for any of the above acts, it is important to not say anything to the arresting officer because anything you say can be used as evidence against you in court. Your statements can be misconstrued in order to incriminate you. You have the right to have a criminal lawyer Minneapolis prostitution suspects have relied onto show the facts.
Working Toward The Best Outcome In Your Case
It does not matter which prostitution crime you are charged with because the consequences are serious no matter what when convicted. Whether the charged is the patron or the prostitute, the consequences can be prison time and high fines if found guilty. This is why the first step should be to contact your attorney.
The exact prison sentence can be up to 20 years and the fines up to $40,000. However, in most cases the fines do not exceed $1,000 and the jail time is limited to 90 days because many cases are misdemeanors. Although a misdemeanor, that does not mean the conviction won’t follow you around for the rest of your life. Even misdemeanors need the help of an attorney in order to get the best result.
When Charged, it is Important to Speak to a Prostitution Defense Lawyer Right Away
If you have been charged with prostitution, offering money for prostitution, pandering, or pimping, it is important to secure the representation of an experienced criminal defense attorney with the experience you need to get the best outcome. When you work with Mark Herman, you can count on having representation that is compassionate, understanding, and aggressive. To learn more, call 24/7 at 612-382-4545 for a free consultation.